Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Last week, I started cleaning my room because there was so much clutter building up... papers, books, old cards, notes...  I had to get rid of them because they just took over my drawer and desk space and I couldn't do work anymore.

As I started throwing things away, I ran into this:

It's crazy to remember that just last year, all of these were a regular part of my life.
But today, all of those are in the trash can. Bye bye clutter - I won't miss you.

As I reflect and also read back on my old entries, I realize more and more how much my illness cluttered my view on my own life. You could just tell by reading my old entries... some being dark, cryptic, hopeless yet hopeful but really hopeless (obviously just confused) entries. I felt like I couldn't get out of that mess and so I just stopped blogging - why blog when you hate what comes out of your mind. And now I realize, damn did I have a cluttered mind.

So... bye bye clutter! It's time for spring! I am free and I will live free.
Just like how Jesus calls me to live. Jesus gave me freedom and whether this happens again or I live healthier ever after, I will live free to glorify God until the day I die. That is my prayer.

Spring cleaning just turned into something much more meaningful for me.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, my courageous friend! I'm excited to read your new insights! God is doing good things through you.
